Thursday, April 23, 2009

This is one of our many vendors that come by our door every day. Each one has a different chant but when you try to get a picture they stop and pose. Fred finally got this man and the music he makes as he pedals his way through the neighborhoods.


  1. Ephraim said that reminds him of Colombia. The chanting can drive you crazy! That was so cool! Thanks for that post!

  2. That is so funny! Especially Dad in the background saying, "I got it!" I bet when you get home, you're going to have some great ideas about how to sell fruit?? If you ever do that again. Looks like they have quite the displays, huh? Riding a bicylce down the streets with fruit in a cart, might not be a bad idea!! Anyway, that was funny!

    Sometimes I don't comment on here very often, because my computer is so weird when I register my profile and sometimes it doesn't let me post! But, I'm giving it another try!

  3. Looks like it's getting HOT there! We've had hardly any warm weather so far, I'm very surprised!
