Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our dear little friend Dolly has been going to fashion design school for underprivileged young adults. It's a school sponsored by a German Trust Organization. Dolly was assigned to make a formal with a Rajastani theme to it and a Harem Girl outfit. She couldn't afford the fabric and had put off making the outfits but finally came to me and told me her problem.
Fred and I loaded her into an auto rickshaw and off we went to a wonderful fabric store where we found this beautiful cloth. Dolly designed her dress and is still in the process of getting the belt all sequined, mirrored and embroidered before the deadline next Sunday. She's got her Harem Girl outfit done also and I'll be putting that picture on next. Isn't she a doll?

1 comment:

  1. Janet, Thanks for sharing the picture of Dolly in her beautiful dress. She will forever remember this as a once in a life time experience. You two are so nice to help her get her fabric and then help her sew this masterpiece. How did you do the skirt? Does it have ribbons pulling the fabric up. Also the bodice fabric is out of this world.with the little mirrors and embellishments I love the gorgeous draping of the fabiris there, also the colors are breath taking. Please tell Dolly she is a beautiful Doll and she should be a fashion designer. I will look for her line in the stores. Also thanks for sharing all the other photos.. You two are always in our prayers and never cease to amaze us with your good works. Love Ya, Mels
