Thursday, November 5, 2009

I love taking pictures of the horses and other animals of all sizes pulling wagons and carts right down the middle of highways in busy traffic. It's feels so much like we have gone back in time. Sometimes we will see a rider on a horse just galloping along with the traffic. It's quite an incredible feeling. I really love it. I wish America was a little more slow paced like this. At first I was just incredulous at the way people would step right out in traffic and cross a highway on foot. Now I do the same thing. If I don't make it quite all the way across, I just stand there with vehicles whizzing by on both sides of me and wait for an opening to go. I'm absolutely fearless now. I'll probably get killed when I get home. Cars go a lot faster than here. At first I marveled at the little children out on the streets begging and peddling. I couldn't believe the little ones were right out in the traffic but I guess they just get so street smart and they learn to stay away from the tires.


  1. Those are awesome pictures! You and Dad look better than ever! Wow! You could turn some of those pictures into postcards Mom, especially that one of the drunk man and the kids playing around him. I think Daphne would love living there. She told me today that she just wants a normal life where she can wake up in the morning and go milk a cow. I am going to have to ask her more about what she thinks is a normal life tomorrow. I wish so much we could come visit!

  2. The guy urinating in the corner could be a pretty nice postcard too. Try sending those pictures to Lonely Planet. You might make some money?

  3. Hello! My name is Kathryn Bichsel. I am writing to you from Provo, Utah. I teach 2nd grade at Freedom Academy. My second grade class is learning all about India right now. I have a student in my class who is a cousin of one of your grandchildren. We were given your blog to view in class. We enjoyed looking at all of the photos. We had some questions we would like to ask you and wondered if you had a few extra minutes to respond back to us? You may e-mail them to us if it is easier for you. Our address is:

    1. We wanted to know if Mrs. Wells is an artist? Her paintings are very beautiful.
    2. We know that Indian people don't eat meat. What do you eat?
    3. We were very intrigued with the beggars. Do you know if they were born that way?
    4. We are studying about the Hindu gods. Have you seen any of their statues?
    5. We were worried that you are living in the tin homes we saw. Where do you live?
    6. Do you like India?
    7. Have you seen any other animals besides the cows and goats and dogs?
    8. What are the people like?
    9. Do the children attend school like we do?
    10. Are there a lot of beggars and do you give them money or food?

    Thanks for taking the time. This is fun to be able to visit with people around the world.


    Kathryn Bichsel and 2nd grade friends

    This is our first time posting a comment so we are a little rusty!
