Sunday, March 15, 2009

We always have parades, holidays, celebrations, and weddings going on. White horses are the favorite horse. I've not seen any other color. These horses heads were tied to a fence with one hind foot tied to a pole. It really kept the animal in one spot. Next to the horses was one of the only big trucks in all of New Delhi that I've seen. There were preparations going on for another big Hindu Parade and their bands are held in high esteem. I thought it was interesting how the band equipment was fastened up so neatly. The band members probably were transported from place to place standing up in the middle of the truck bed.

Thinking about the white horses. I saw one galloping at a pretty good clip right in the middle of traffic through an intersection . Usually they are going at a fast trot down the side of the road. It was kind of a pretty sight to see this brave creature and handsome rider in the traffic like that.

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