Monday, October 19, 2009

This is weird but sometimes my paintings look better when you are looking at the actual painting and sometimes they are better on the photograph. This one looks better on the canvas. You can't see this one in real life but what do you think of it? We think it's the best one yet. Give me some comments out there people.


  1. Hi Janet,
    Kass just showed me more of your paintings, and in all honesty I can't believe my mother-in-law can paint that well. Amazing! What do we have to do to inherit some of the paintings?

  2. Hi Mom,
    I thought I had left you a comment but it didn't work!! I love your work and your style! Like Trav said, how can we get some of your paintings for our home? I would really love cowboy paintings so I will definitely keep my eye open for some good pics to take and send your way!!

    I love that you can paint both handsome and interesting people!! It's so fun to see! You're incredible!
